“……..I never would've dreamed in a million years I'd see,So many motherfu*kin' people who feel like me, who share the same viewsAnd the same exact beliefs, it's like a fu*kin' army marchin' in back of me, so many lives ITouch, so much anger aimed, in no particular direction, just sprays and sprays………….….”Eminem (Marshall Mathers) in White America
What is leadership??? Can it be summed up in a sentence. Maybe it’s the approval of the people; ah yes! it has to be, The approval of people, the masses, the mob. I always wondered how it would have been in the ancient Rome where the mob rule originated or alteast the term mob rule originated because I have found that mob rule has been a inherent quality of mankind. The mob is always right no matter how bad the “the intellectuals” try to prove otherwise. I have tried to be ;the intellectual till today but I have decided to switch to the other side and try to feel what they do or remain on the fence and see the show.Revolt, Indiscipline , Aggression, Defiance of authority have always been attracting the mob towards these situational leaders and how so often these situational leaders become more powerfull and even more defiant. But why does the mob like them , maybe they get a feeling of emancipation seeing them act in ways that they never could or would. Emancipation from perceived or actual injustice, ill treatment or oppression of the authority. The most people are law abiding and would never try to push the boundaries of discipline and for many reasons ;Laziness ,Fear of repercussions, Respect for authority or the unwillingness to change routine life. But they always have it in their minds, it plays and plays inside their minds of how they want their life to be but never endeavor to fiddle with rules, boundaries or restrains. And the day they see a person from among them act in ways they always wanted to that very common person becomes their ‘leader’ their Idol and this support is mostly irrational;; but wait--who am I to judge what is irrational for what is most rational to one maybe completely irrational for the other and same holds true incase of mindset of groups of people (the mob). Finally it comes down to which mob is in majority and that becomes the norm of the society.You have to feel what its like to be one among the mob to actually understand why they ‘approve’ of something that is so wrong in the eyes of the intellectuals. It’s the feeling of belonging to a common ideology which almost always is molded by some type of oppression of freedom. The intellectuals only see one side of the story; the side which they see through their biased eyes and commit the sin of hypocrisy unknowingly. They advice the sheeple on philosophy and what is right; but they are so wrong because the mob is always right no matter how wrong they are. The authority is for, by and of the mob and the day authority fall from their position of respect, such situational leaders arise and begin the process of leadership change. A successful authority is one that possess the power to either provide resources needed, demanded by the mob or is able to manipulate the mob into thinking they are getting the same.
So the moral of the story is "dont mess with the mob" atleast dont make it so apparent they are able to connect with one another more importantly connect with that situational mob leader.
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